The Hunger Games (2012) Full Streaming

The first book of Suzanne Collins's prodigiously popular trilogy has been brought to the screen with a Jumbotron sensibility, a shaky camera to emphasize the action and a shakier grip on the subject's emotional core.. Director Gary Ross' adaptation, co-scripted by Collins herself, isn't quite as crackingly paced as the novel, but it will more than satisfy existing fans of the trilogy and likely create many new ones.. Watching The Hunger Games, I was struck both by how slickly Ross hit his marks ...


Blackhat (2015) Watch Streaming

Hints of a quasi-apocalyptic chill seem arbitrary-neither symbolic nor dramatic. The effect is like watching software run itself.. Forced to wait at least half an hour for the skeletal plot to kick in, we have plenty of time to notice the awkward dialogue and slapdash logic.. It has a decent ludicrousness and Mann's one-of-a-kind talent for using digital photography and naturalistic light to complicate and invigorate anonymous spaces.. Mann would rather be coasting the canals or stewing over cri...


Green Lantern (2011) Download Full

How many more of these superheroes can we take?. "Into the Storm" consists mainly of watching characters run from various little tornadoes before they have to take cover from a very large one.. If weak plotting isn't a big concern, then Into the Storm may be right up your tornado alley.. The result makes the movie seem assembled from bits and pieces of other superhero yarns rather than existing on a plane of its own.. Corny twists and exchanges ensue in the wobbly story, but, delightfully, Danie...


Run All Night (2015) Play Movie

If you skip it, you're missing one of the year's signal works of superior Hollywood craftsmanship.. Fuqua's movie is just as dopey and creaky as the series.. Though Neeson, as usual, gives an effective performance, maybe it's time for him to lighten up and climb out of his rut. "Run All Night" feels like he's run into a career dead end.. Under all his action-star antics, Liam Neeson is a good actor. So his insistence on repeatedly playing a variation of the same role is mystifying.. Sinister 2 c...


Ocean's Eleven (2001) Watch Full Movie

Argo has that solid, kick-the-tires feel of those studio films from the 70s that were about something but also entertained. Only it's as laugh outright amusing as it is sobering.. Nothing can stop the wicked smoulder of Stevens, who makes a smile seem like a weapon of mass destruction.. A lark for everybody concerned, including the audience.. Dumb fun is rarely this smartly delivered.. The pleasures of The Guest lie mainly in anticipating how the next expected corner will be turned.. Dan Stevens...


Riddick (2013) Watch Streaming

The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. Fans of lean, mean, testosterone-steeped sci-fi action are likely to find Riddick kind of a blast, however -- even though it offers few surprises.. Twohy is trying to do something with his original character. It's just not clear what that something is anymore. Maybe it's time this franchise fades to black for good.. A modestly budg...


The Day After Tomorrow (2004) Watch Streaming

For all of its dire premonitions, foreshadowings of horror and easy targets for Jay Leno jokes, The Day After Tomorrow is eye-poppingly awesome and wonderfully entertaining.. An exceptionally stupid movie.. [Its] portrayal of violence derives more from video games than from history.. A shambles of dud writing and dramatic inconsequence which left me determined to double my consumption of fossil fuels.. The Day After Tomorrow isn't satisfying in every way, but in the ways that really matter, it's...