Shooter (2007) Play Movie

A mediocre production that nevertheless will strike a deep and resonant chord with viewers.. Ballistic fetishists and anticorporate activists will find common ground in each violent act against political fat cats, but the rest of us are left to wallow in the bloodlust and wonder who switched the reels.. Despite gripping chase sequences and a few awe-inspiring fiery explosions, gaping holes in the convoluted plot make Shooter heavier on style than substance.. Shooter eventually gets in its own wa...


The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Play Streaming

There was an opportunity here for Nolan to show us another way, to (again) stretch the boundaries of what is possible in a superhero film. Instead, alas, the latter half of The Dark Knight Rises retreats toward conventionality.. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. Next to child-in-jeopardy thrillers, women-in-jeopardy thrillers are about as easy to construct as films get, and this one makes no effort to break any ...


Olympus Has Fallen (2013) Full Movie Streaming

A handsome ensemble of blokes and one high-heeled accountant who propel this slam-bang romp about the collision of criminal styles in the age of globalization and real estate speculation.. Save your quarters for the video game.. RocknRolla is a recovery from the knockout blows of his past two films but Ritchie is certainly retreading familiar thematic territory.. A typical slab of Hollywood action in which the White House crumbles under attack, the American flag is tattered and tossed aside by b...


Left Behind (2014) Download Movie

At best, Left Behind is shoddily made sensationalist propaganda-with atrocious acting-that barely registers as entertainment. At worst, it's profoundly moronic.. Surprisingly sweet-natured even amid its frequent fountains of bloodshed .... Not only is this an amateurish travesty combining fundamentalist Christian eschatology with disaster movie b.s., but it's plodding and tedious.. Score one for Satan.. The whole thing looks like it cost its writer-directors, Francois Simard, Anouk Whissell and ...


Skin Trade (2014) Play Streaming

A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. I really like this movie. thank you. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in every acting of the players as real and natural.. A maste...


Machete (2010) Watch Streaming

As an allegory of racial conflict and mass immigration, District 9 never really goes anywhere: The appealing premise fades into the background before 20 minutes have elapsed.. What an achievement in filmmaking.. Sorry, mis amigos, wrong decades. The modern B-movie would seem to be devoted to self-conscious fun. More laughs, but fewer real chills.. The fresh premise over, the stale action returns.. Rodriguez plans "Machete" sequels. Here's hoping the next is sharper and cuts closer to the bone.. ...


The Place Beyond the Pines (2013) Watch Streaming

"Pines" is hardy stuff, but it's at its toughest when Gosling's on screen.. This superb remake has the inevitable look of a period piece, a smoke-filled rendering of things past. However, thanks to Tomas Alfredson's direction, a taut screenplay, and a uniformly brilliant cast, the film also retains its contemporary relevance.. I Am Legend is a grenade that goes off when least expected. It has more horror than heart, but it is never boring.. It's a treat to be back in Le Carre's world, where amid...


District 9 (2009) Full Streaming

In a good summer, there's usually a movie that will come out of nowhere and completely wow us. This is a good summer, and that movie is District 9.. District 9 has too many gory vaporizations to qualify as a serious statement on race relations, but it does outclank Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen by a wide margin, and you thrill to the cleanly cut action sequences.. Perhaps we're witnessing a new dawn for politically engaged sci-fi and horror, with Blomkamp as a latter-day George Romero. Eit...


I Am Legend (2007) Download Movie

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy begins to seem phlegmatic after a while.. These guys make proper English diction as compelling as a gunfight, and "Tinker Tailor" as satisfying as any shoot-'em-up using real bullets instead of words to get its point across.. After its promising opening, I Am Legend devolves into a generic zombie slaughterfest, highly reminiscent of Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later and its sequel 28 Weeks Later.. The movie works well while it's running, although it raises questions that l...


Oldboy (2013) Download Movie

These kickass Barbies bring heart to a machine-tooled genre.. Contagion could have been a blood-curdling scream; instead it comes off as Soderbergh's star-powered science project.. Weaknesses from the original remain, including a mustache-twirling villain straight out of a Bond film (Sharlto Copley) and a Freudian master plan that unravels the more you think about it.. This is nothing but trailer moments. Ex-pop video director McG couldn't organise a pillow fight in a bedding factory.. The cast ...


Body of Lies (2008) Watch Full Movie

Perhaps Scott's ever-restless shooting style doesn't quite differentiate between the peaks and troughs of the narrative, yet it's still an engrossing account of the intersection between process and ethics.. This makes for a movie experience in which the viewer sits patiently for about 45 minutes waiting for the story to kick in, only to realize, oh. So this is it.. I'm still waiting for the war-on-terror thriller that has more on its mind than the threat al-Qaida poses to movie stars.. Just beca...


Fast & Furious (2009) Play Streaming

. Best viewed as an energetic cartoon, an unintentionally amusing, head-shaking guilty pleasure that will divert those not in the mood for anything more profound than gleaming metal and preening women.. A strange piece of nostalgia, where, without apology, fast cars still rule and fuel is burned with abandon.. The end result, while it provides moments of kinetic entertainment, is too repetitive and uneven to be satisfying.. Like Brian and Dom, Fast & Furious would benefit from more female compan...


Terminator Genisys (2015) Play Movie

For all its weaknesses, "Terminator Genisys" is a "Terminator" movie that feels like a "Terminator" movie, more than did "Terminator 3," not to mention the ghastly "Terminator Salvation.". "Terminator Genisys" could be Exhibit A in why the current line of thinking in Hollywood regarding sequels/reboots/remakes often leads to terrible decisions and worse films.. It is mechanical in the worst way.. Of course the special effects are more impressive than ever. But nearly every curveball offered up i...


Wildlike (2015) Download Full

Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in every acting of the players as real and natural.. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for sure.. A masterpiece of genre film-ma...


The Count of Monte Cristo (2002) Download Movie

A rousingly old-fashioned swashbuckler with an abundance of vigorous action and nary a trace of wink-wink irony.. It's a fine, old-fashioned-movie movie, which is to say it's unburdened by pretensions to great artistic significance.. [An] above average piece of junk.. You can count on snoozing.. It's quite entertaining.. It's a Count for our times.. [A] pleasant diversion.. A preposterous, expansive and self-conscious attempt to resurrect the historical spectacular.. This new movie version of th...


V for Vendetta (2006) Play Streaming

V won't win the Subtlety in Film Award, but fans of '70s movies especially will recognize that it's hardly out of line with the tradition of speculative fiction during times of strife.. This is not the movie, and these are not the times, for sophisticated arguments.. Whether you're mindless or Mensa, you'll find stuff here to challenge and trouble you, the way a good piece of speculative fiction should.. It becomes just another taste of every comic-book movie that isn't Sin City or A History of ...


Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011) Online Streaming

. It comes on strong, but in its bloody heart of hearts it's no more resonant than one of those old Vincent Price-Edgar Allan Poe contraptions - and less entertaining, too.. I can't remember when a movie has seemed so clever, strangely affecting and slyly funny at the very same time.. This is among Scorsese's many gifts: Even when he's not crafting a masterpiece, he reminds you that the movies possess visceral and uncanny powers.. I am neither upset nor disturbed by Memento , only vaguely dissat...


Unbreakable (2000) Full Streaming

During a conversation between an astonished doctor and a miraculously unscathed Dunne ... it's a measure of Shyamalan's restraint and his uncanny knack for storytelling.. Samuel L. Jackson plays a comic-book-art collector named Elijah, as in the prophet, and his stare could probably burn a hole through Superman's Fortress of Solitude.. Thrill-kill plots, cardboard characters and zap-pow editing are not for Shyamalan, who takes his good, thoughtful time to snare audiences in his dark web.. An int...


Sin City (2005) Play Streaming

I found it hard to care about anybody, when I wasn't too busy trying not to get sick anyway.. What have we done to deserve another found-footage movie?. Johnson's action scenes occasionally stumble, but the devilishly clever script makes "Looper" a thrilling, dizzying ride.. Ugly, unfocused photography makes it impossible to enjoy the film beyond its theoretical novelty.. While the book succeeded in pushing the boundaries of its medium, the film merely feels like a triumph of technology.. The lo...


The Illusionist (2006) Download Movie

Something of an overlong, overblown, disorganized mess, despite being slightly better than its predecessor.. As Johnny Depp has done so brilliantly with his devilish Jack Sparrow, Downey has made this sly sardonic Sherlock stylistically all his own. Case closed.. The story may be less than credible, but the performances are mostly good, and Giamatti makes an especially strong showing.. With exquisite performances (Giamatti's, in particular), it leaves you thrillingly hovering, happily uncommitte...