Shooter (2007) Play Movie

A mediocre production that nevertheless will strike a deep and resonant chord with viewers.. Ballistic fetishists and anticorporate activists will find common ground in each violent act against political fat cats, but the rest of us are left to wallow in the bloodlust and wonder who switched the reels.. Despite gripping chase sequences and a few awe-inspiring fiery explosions, gaping holes in the convoluted plot make Shooter heavier on style than substance.. Shooter eventually gets in its own wa...


Left Behind (2014) Download Movie

At best, Left Behind is shoddily made sensationalist propaganda-with atrocious acting-that barely registers as entertainment. At worst, it's profoundly moronic.. Surprisingly sweet-natured even amid its frequent fountains of bloodshed .... Not only is this an amateurish travesty combining fundamentalist Christian eschatology with disaster movie b.s., but it's plodding and tedious.. Score one for Satan.. The whole thing looks like it cost its writer-directors, Francois Simard, Anouk Whissell and ...


The Place Beyond the Pines (2013) Watch Streaming

"Pines" is hardy stuff, but it's at its toughest when Gosling's on screen.. This superb remake has the inevitable look of a period piece, a smoke-filled rendering of things past. However, thanks to Tomas Alfredson's direction, a taut screenplay, and a uniformly brilliant cast, the film also retains its contemporary relevance.. I Am Legend is a grenade that goes off when least expected. It has more horror than heart, but it is never boring.. It's a treat to be back in Le Carre's world, where amid...


Dark Was the Night (2014) Download Full

Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in every acting of the players as real and natural.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. The excellent performances b...


The Signal (2014) Online Streaming

Eubank could have a terrific future as a director. As a screenwriter, though, maybe not so much.. This sci-fi puzzler by cinematographer-turned-director William Eubank often recalls the work of Shane Carruth (Primer, Upstream Color) in its low-budget resourcefulness and creeping, gnawing paranoia.. It's fun while it lasts, though it feels less like a completed movie than a demonstration of director William Eubank's spooky ability to shift gears and string genres together.. The Signal doesn't blu...


Self/less (2015) Play Movie

Singh once seemed an original, but Self/less doesn't have a distinctive bone in either of its bodies.. Deep under the skin of this shrug of a movie is a solid metaphor rooted in an appealing fantasy.. Self/less never really gets over the fact that much of it consists of a bland-ish, raincoat-clad everyman driving around and pointing guns at people before the inevitable, underwhelming confrontation with the big bad.. Self/less is so restrained that I wonder if somebody stole Tarsem Singh's body, ...


Law Abiding Citizen (2009) Full Movie Streaming

Sure, it's outta place for October, but there's no reason you can't enjoy a mindless piece of candy against the backdrop of fall foliage.. It's shallow, it's silly, it's pat. It's... forgettable.. It's a "Who dies next?" slasher film masquerading as a revenge thriller.. . The exploration of right and wrong, and its complicated lack of clarity, gets trammeled amid the bevy of explosions, volley of bullets and mounting body count.. Ultimately just feels like a mess, screeching back and forth in ti...


District 9 (2009) Full Streaming

In a good summer, there's usually a movie that will come out of nowhere and completely wow us. This is a good summer, and that movie is District 9.. District 9 has too many gory vaporizations to qualify as a serious statement on race relations, but it does outclank Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen by a wide margin, and you thrill to the cleanly cut action sequences.. Perhaps we're witnessing a new dawn for politically engaged sci-fi and horror, with Blomkamp as a latter-day George Romero. Eit...


I Am Legend (2007) Download Movie

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy begins to seem phlegmatic after a while.. These guys make proper English diction as compelling as a gunfight, and "Tinker Tailor" as satisfying as any shoot-'em-up using real bullets instead of words to get its point across.. After its promising opening, I Am Legend devolves into a generic zombie slaughterfest, highly reminiscent of Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later and its sequel 28 Weeks Later.. The movie works well while it's running, although it raises questions that l...


Coherence (2013) Play Streaming

At once a suspenseful mind game and a wily mash-up of surreal quantum physics theories, this low-cost thriller proves that something approaching brilliance is not just a function of budget.. What began as a nifty puzzle feels more like a trap. It may be possible to unkink this story, but when characters and performances are as unengaging as these, it's hard to feel motivated to try.. Coherence is a gentle film, but you walk away from it with your brain on fire.. An uncommonly clever genre movie,...


Oldboy (2013) Download Movie

These kickass Barbies bring heart to a machine-tooled genre.. Contagion could have been a blood-curdling scream; instead it comes off as Soderbergh's star-powered science project.. Weaknesses from the original remain, including a mustache-twirling villain straight out of a Bond film (Sharlto Copley) and a Freudian master plan that unravels the more you think about it.. This is nothing but trailer moments. Ex-pop video director McG couldn't organise a pillow fight in a bedding factory.. The cast ...


Terminator Genisys (2015) Play Movie

For all its weaknesses, "Terminator Genisys" is a "Terminator" movie that feels like a "Terminator" movie, more than did "Terminator 3," not to mention the ghastly "Terminator Salvation.". "Terminator Genisys" could be Exhibit A in why the current line of thinking in Hollywood regarding sequels/reboots/remakes often leads to terrible decisions and worse films.. It is mechanical in the worst way.. Of course the special effects are more impressive than ever. But nearly every curveball offered up i...


A History of Violence (2005) Online Streaming

Inside Man brings Lee back into the mainstream while still letting him have some fun, and he passes that fun on to the audience.. Endless video-game-style, violent mayhem is on display in this latest edition of the mind-numbing apocalypse series.. This peculiarly predictable picture has been calculated, or miscalculated, to set up certain expectations, fulfill them, and then do the same thing again, thereby giving us a chance to see what's coming and, at least in theory, be shocked.. It's rare t...


Signs (2002) Full Streaming

Sitting through the last reel (spoiler alert!) is significantly less charming than listening to a four-year-old with a taste for exaggeration recount his Halloween trip to the Haunted House.. The movie is almost completely lacking in suspense, surprise and consistent emotional conviction.. The same old same old: dull and recycled, with no surprises.. Shyamalan wants to be the metaphysical poet of movies, but he's dangerously close to becoming its O. Henry.. There's plenty here that testifies to ...


Sin City (2005) Play Streaming

I found it hard to care about anybody, when I wasn't too busy trying not to get sick anyway.. What have we done to deserve another found-footage movie?. Johnson's action scenes occasionally stumble, but the devilishly clever script makes "Looper" a thrilling, dizzying ride.. Ugly, unfocused photography makes it impossible to enjoy the film beyond its theoretical novelty.. While the book succeeded in pushing the boundaries of its medium, the film merely feels like a triumph of technology.. The lo...


The Island (2005) Download Full

Shot without visual style, sharp dialogue or discernible logic, the movie seems to be riding entirely on the star power of Aniston, Clive Owen and the boastful Weinsteins.. The question of whether we're too tied to technology and when or if it will prove our downfall is undoubtedly important and probably somewhat pressing. It certainly deserves a better movie than "Transcendence.". Someone had to work extra hard to make a movie this bad with two likeable leads like Mr. Owen and Ms. Aniston. I ca...


In Time (2011) Full Streaming

Niccol, whose excellent 1997 film Gattaca revealed a similar obsession with human genetics, is an above-average filmmaker who may simply lack the daredevil recklessness a project like this requires.. The film is beautifully shot in chilly blues and grays by cinematographer Roger Deakins, and Los Angeles locales are well chosen for futuristic effect. Most of the time, however, I found myself glancing at the clock on my own wrist.. Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie...


Transcendence (2014) Play Movie

Unfortunately, it takes more than grand concepts to make a movie and the lack of cinematic connective tissue is apparent in this poorly focused, meandering, and ultimately disappointing film.. Transcendence is fairly ridiculous, but some may prefer its grand, loopy ambition to the small-minded sameness of so many futuristic thrillers.. Lost in the land of mind over matter, Transcendence is too much trance and not nearly enough dance.. An ambitious and provocative piece of work that is intriguing...


Predestination (2014) Play Streaming

The movie's blue-collar aesthetic, impressive in its vision and kinetics, lacks emotional variety and humor.. Despite its low budget and its lack of big stars, it's a pretty amazing piece of work.. Predestination is a hair-raising, emotionally resonant thriller that fleshes out Heinlein's minimalist conceptual piece with strong characterization and an absorbing story line about domestic terrorism and murder.. For those who appreciated Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller's 2005 campy, kinetic film ...


Death Proof (2007) Full Streaming

Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in every acting of the players as real and natural.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to de...