Legend (2015) Download Full

Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in every acting of the players as real and natural.. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. Awesome as director this is the first time that...


Minority Report (2002) Play Streaming

My own minority report is that it stinks.. Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all give convincing performances.. High-concept science-fiction escapades often try to impose new ways of seeing, but Spielberg seems intent on blistering our optic nerves.. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. Awesome as dir...


Mulholland Drive (2001) Download Full

Lynch challenges our expectations of narrative and credibility by luxuriating in something else -- the unexplained, the making of no-sense that (he says) underlies life.. [Lynch's] never before married his subconscious impulses to an accessible storytelling style in such a satisfying, beguiling way.. . . A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. Its suspense bu...


Children of Men (2006) Play Movie

Cuaron fulfills the promise of futuristic fiction; characters do not wear strange costumes or visit the moon, and the cities are not plastic hallucinations, but look just like today, except tired and shabby.. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for sure.. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it preten...


The Punisher (2004) Download Movie

There's something to be said for letting a comic book adaptation operate at the level of a comic book, dispensing cheap laughs and ice-cold sadism.. Look out for a star cameo -- it's the only surprise you'll get from this heap.. Tokyo Drift is a subculture in search of a compelling story line, and Black's leaden performance makes you pine for the days of Paul Walker.. This is more of the same.. The whole thing is preposterous. The acting is so awful, some of the worst performances I've seen in a...


X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Full Streaming

Limitless is frustrating, in part, because it could have been much better.. [Singer is] reborn - deft, elegant, spring-heeled - in X-Men: Days of Future Past. The special effects don't bog him down: They lift the movie to a surreal and more emotional dimension.. Once it reaches takeoff velocity, "Days of Future Past" becomes one of the best installments in the "X-Men" series.. The plot is about a fearful society whose expansion of its security apparatus has unintended consequences, but Singer do...


Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) Full Streaming

Even those who've never heard of 'rice rockets' (Japanese imports souped up with computerized hydraulics and customized engines) might be charmed by the film's blend of kineticism, car-culture rituals, and hilariously flat-footed dialogue.. Has B-movie grit, with sexy young actors, even sexier cars and the smarts to realize a teen movie will only work if you empathize with its characters.. Exaggerated screaming and squabbling doesn't cover up the inanity.. Stylized but spasmodic, this Sweeney se...


The Gallows (2015) Watch Full Movie

This is another found-footage movie that, with a little art direction and some actual cinematography, could easily have been a decent little terrorizer. Instead, it comes mostly unglued thanks to its hacky gimmick.. Has B-movie grit, with sexy young actors, even sexier cars and the smarts to realize a teen movie will only work if you empathize with its characters.. The Gallows isn't without a certain amount of atmosphere, it simply feels borrowed wholesale. That would matter less with a better s...


Savages (2012) Watch Full Movie

Nick might usurp most of the screen time, but it's Mr. Del Toro, face flickering from benevolent to vicious and body heaving with literal and symbolic weight, who seizes the film.. "Savages" is a juvenile fantasy of bullets, breasts and bongs -- not such a bad thing, if Stone would just admit it and stop staging the film as a profound ethical wrestling match.. Director J.J. Abrams, creator of such TV hits as Alias and Lost, makes a reasonably impressive feature debut with the best installment of...


American Heist (2015) Download Movie

The movie version of I Am Number Four is a blatant, cynical pitch for an unearned franchise, made by people who seem to think the words "bestseller" and "young adult" are enough to guarantee a Harry Potter-like box office payout. It's not.. American Heist, I want my 94 minutes back.. Granted, I Am NumberFour is a little better and makes loads more sense than Eagle Eye, Caruso's most recent vehicle for comely young actors in peril. But neither one has the sass and pluck of Disturbia. Watch that i...


Crimson Peak (2015) Download Full

A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. This movie is an epic action movie that I believe in a few years from now shall be more appreciated than it is today !!. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. Every minute of this ...


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) Play Movie

You needn't be a fanboy to enjoy the moment when the ride really takes off and the spectacle flowers. A scary imagination will do just fine.. Provides all the jolts and forward motion that any good airport novel gives you, but it's the film equivalent of the book that kept you awake from Chicago to Baltimore, only you don't feel bad about leaving it on the seat next to you after you land.. Fincher's Dragon Tattoo is a faithful adaptation that brings the dazzle but shortchanges on the daring... I...


Snowpiercer (2013) Online Streaming

The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. Violent, often absurd, but full of brilliant surprises.. Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for sure.. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. There's a righteous savagery to this movie that's almost b...


Zero Dark Thirty (2012) Play Movie

A timely and important reminder of the agonizing human price of zealotry.. Swift, smart, relentless, Zero Dark Thirty compresses a decade of high-stakes procedural into 157 minutes of pure momentum.. What the film says about getting information from terrorism suspects in an era of high-tech surveillance depends on your point of view. What is unquestionable is how powerful its full scope is.. "Zero Dark Thirty" is a great movie, an astonishing achievement on nearly every level.. From the very fir...


Prisoners (2013) Play Streaming

"Prisoners" is a dark, deeply serious examination of how loss can unhinge us; it grabs onto you, and you may have trouble shaking it away.. Quicksilver ... is the coolest of this picture's new guys, zipping around so fast ... that he can taste soup, rearrange guards' limbs, and nudge bullets off their trajectories all in the time it takes to blink.. I would be remiss not to note that tucked away amid all the existential melodrama is perhaps the most hilarious set piece ever to grace a superhero ...


The Hunger Games (2012) Full Streaming

The first book of Suzanne Collins's prodigiously popular trilogy has been brought to the screen with a Jumbotron sensibility, a shaky camera to emphasize the action and a shakier grip on the subject's emotional core.. Director Gary Ross' adaptation, co-scripted by Collins herself, isn't quite as crackingly paced as the novel, but it will more than satisfy existing fans of the trilogy and likely create many new ones.. Watching The Hunger Games, I was struck both by how slickly Ross hit his marks ...


Blackhat (2015) Watch Streaming

Hints of a quasi-apocalyptic chill seem arbitrary-neither symbolic nor dramatic. The effect is like watching software run itself.. Forced to wait at least half an hour for the skeletal plot to kick in, we have plenty of time to notice the awkward dialogue and slapdash logic.. It has a decent ludicrousness and Mann's one-of-a-kind talent for using digital photography and naturalistic light to complicate and invigorate anonymous spaces.. Mann would rather be coasting the canals or stewing over cri...


Green Lantern (2011) Download Full

How many more of these superheroes can we take?. "Into the Storm" consists mainly of watching characters run from various little tornadoes before they have to take cover from a very large one.. If weak plotting isn't a big concern, then Into the Storm may be right up your tornado alley.. The result makes the movie seem assembled from bits and pieces of other superhero yarns rather than existing on a plane of its own.. Corny twists and exchanges ensue in the wobbly story, but, delightfully, Danie...


Run All Night (2015) Play Movie

If you skip it, you're missing one of the year's signal works of superior Hollywood craftsmanship.. Fuqua's movie is just as dopey and creaky as the series.. Though Neeson, as usual, gives an effective performance, maybe it's time for him to lighten up and climb out of his rut. "Run All Night" feels like he's run into a career dead end.. Under all his action-star antics, Liam Neeson is a good actor. So his insistence on repeatedly playing a variation of the same role is mystifying.. Sinister 2 c...


Ocean's Eleven (2001) Watch Full Movie

Argo has that solid, kick-the-tires feel of those studio films from the 70s that were about something but also entertained. Only it's as laugh outright amusing as it is sobering.. Nothing can stop the wicked smoulder of Stevens, who makes a smile seem like a weapon of mass destruction.. A lark for everybody concerned, including the audience.. Dumb fun is rarely this smartly delivered.. The pleasures of The Guest lie mainly in anticipating how the next expected corner will be turned.. Dan Stevens...


Riddick (2013) Watch Streaming

The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. Fans of lean, mean, testosterone-steeped sci-fi action are likely to find Riddick kind of a blast, however -- even though it offers few surprises.. Twohy is trying to do something with his original character. It's just not clear what that something is anymore. Maybe it's time this franchise fades to black for good.. A modestly budg...


The Day After Tomorrow (2004) Watch Streaming

For all of its dire premonitions, foreshadowings of horror and easy targets for Jay Leno jokes, The Day After Tomorrow is eye-poppingly awesome and wonderfully entertaining.. An exceptionally stupid movie.. [Its] portrayal of violence derives more from video games than from history.. A shambles of dud writing and dramatic inconsequence which left me determined to double my consumption of fossil fuels.. The Day After Tomorrow isn't satisfying in every way, but in the ways that really matter, it's...


The Babadook (2014) Download Full

This is a really scary movie.. One of those incongruous Franken-films that's simultaneously bombastically brutal and treacly.. The Babadook makes everyday domestic life seem like the most natural possible place to encounter monsters of every description, including the monsters that we ourselves have the capacity to become.. Sometimes you go to a movie and know from the first image that whoever made it knows what she's doing. You don't need convincing. You're there with her. Jennifer Kent's The B...


X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) Full Movie Streaming

Wolverine's backstory was good stuff -- but after the falling out with Schreiber, the story loses its center and it gets wobbly.. Jackman's committed performance keeps the movie on track, though Huston and Schreiber are strictly on autopilot.. . What a wasteful shame.. Alas, there's nothing quite memorable here: much of the combat is just a whirl of movement photographed up close. As the X-Men series has progressed, the startling poetic extravagances of the first film have given way to flesh-pou...


Dawn of the Dead (2004) Download Full

The remake, from first-time director Snyder, keeps much of the gore and loads up on the laughs, but eschews all pretence at cultural criticism in favour of high-octane, almost nonstop action.. The joke isn't fresh, but it holds up well in this crackling remake of George Romero's 1978 sequel to Night of the Living Dead.. ... bloody good fun.. [Sarah Polly] pretty much owns the picture, beginning with a slam-dunk prologue that establishes right off that this isn't your dad's Dawn, despite a plot t...


Flight (2012) Download Full

This is a movie that might have been a great drama at four hours with a more ambitious script and a director with a vision or something to say.. "Out of the Furnace" offers a bleak vision of America's rural economic woes before flattening out into a routine thriller about good men doing bad things.. The best thing that can be said about "Safe Haven" is there is a cute romance in there somewhere.. If the downbeat plot is depressingly familiar, it's partly salvaged by the quality of the performanc...


Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) Play Streaming

In a Hollywood landscape where so much action cinema in plagued with sameness, I can not in good conscience give anything with this level of inspired design an entirely negative review.. An epic about saving humanity that feels more manufactured than human.. A cautionary tale about the dangers of squandering resources that wastes its own talent.. It's like one of those bad "Star Trek" episodes, when Gene Roddenberry stopped everything on the bridge so he could lecture us about the Cold War.. Any...


Insidious (2010) Watch Streaming

The half-dozen chapters vary in length and subject matter, but not in style or the efficiency of their message.. The movie misfires as often as it connects.. It was the '80s. You really had to be there. Preferably with low expectations.. Here's a better-than-average spook house movie, mostly because Insidious decides it can haunt an audience without spraying it with blood.. Aesthetically, Insidious operates at the level of a decent high school video project.. You never lose interest for a moment...


G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009) Download Movie

Betrays the author's intent and makes wholesale changes in the well-known plot.. It's quite entertaining.. G.I. Joe is a loud but proficient slab of explode-o-rama summer blockbuster nonsense, perfectly entertaining if you like that sort of thing, extremely skippable if you don't.. It's just stupid and inept, which are not uncommon traits at the tail end of the summer movie season.. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra is as polished and entertaining as war-mongering toy commercials get.. Old-form moviem...


Time Lapse (2014) Play Movie

This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well abo...


Survivor (2015) Full Streaming

The thudding techno score and Danny Ruhlmann's digital lensing have the effect of making "Survivor" look cheap rather than stylized.. Pierce Brosnan embarks on the world's most tedious killing spree in this forgettable espionage drama. There's no question where any of this is going, and although the chase can be entertaining at times, the movie is ultimately forgettable.. The countdown ending is groan-inducing, as are a number of things leading up to it.. A movie so full of ludicrous plotting an...


A Serbian Film (2010) Play Streaming

In its histrionic dream logic, the movie says as much about Eastern Europe as Twilight does about the Pacific Northwest. Frankly, you'd be better off self-abusing.. . "A Serbian Film" revels in its sheer inventive awfulness and dares the viewer to find a more serious layer of meaning.. That the film exists at all is a more cogent commentary on the nation's collective trauma than any of the direct statements or potential metaphors contained within.. A sordid welter of sexual sadism, incestuous ne...


The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015) Watch Streaming

This ghost of a movie star is never more at home than when walking among the tombstones.. Alvarez captures an emotional immediacy and risk that is deliberately excluded from academic debate.. Blah comedy.. It does make for a fascinating, if skin-crawling, two hours at the movies, and Angarano is a charismatic manipulator, both in and out of character.. The Stanford Prison Experiment is the kind of movie that raises as many questions as it answers. It's also the kind of film where you want to bud...


A Most Violent Year (2014) Download Full

"A Most Violent Year" is an engrossing, often beautiful film, and a breakout opportunity for Isaac, whose similarly self-contained performance as a sadly self-aware folk singer in "Inside Llewyn Davis" was unfortunately overlooked last year.. "A Most Violent Year," for all its other virtues, is a wise movie about leadership.. The performances are memorable. Isaac uses understatement with the appropriate emotional outburst and Chastain is the film's firecracker.. "A Most Violent Year" is a far mo...


A Most Wanted Man (2014) Watch Streaming

[Hoffman] scales his performance to Olympian heights, yet he elevates all his collaborators, too.. Hoffman, bloated and flushed, does not look well in this film. But he is such a consummate actor that whatever infirmities he may have been fighting become a part of his performance.. "A Most Wanted Man" is not a guns-and-motorcycles spy story but a shadowy walk down a dark alley.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the...


Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) Download Full

Here's a thought for the inevitable next film in this series: Ditch the humans. Stick with the apes. They're a lot more interesting.. For all its high-end special effects and its Shakespearean ambitions, Dawn fumbles its emotional moments and forces its action.. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes gets to be exciting and to say something about the world instead of merely blowing it up. The apes are among the more intellectually complex characters you're likely to spend time with this summer.. Maybe t...


Knock Knock (2015) Full Streaming

Maybe Knock Knock is just one long, sick joke, skillfully told by a filmmaker who's always spiked his horror with black humor, just never this effectively.. As a piece of social satire, "Knock Knock" winds up being not just toothless but anticlimactic.. Roth's tale is fairly twisty, as the behavior of the women grows increasingly violent and more outrageous.. "Knock Knock" is not without its campy pleasures - it's just so unpleasant while it's doling them out.. A film that flirts and flirts with...


Spectre (2015) Online Streaming

Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all give convincing performances.. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sen...


Spotlight (2015) Download Movie

An outlandishly entertaining mixture of high silliness and high style.. "Lucy" may be scientific hogwash, but it does raise all sorts of questions you rarely find in a shoot-out flick.. What the film gets brilliantly right is how journalists can get co-opted by the institutions they cover when their interests converge. And just how much courage it takes to pursue a story that may alienate many of your readers .. Scarlett Johansson carries the film effortlessly, bridging Besson's narrative and lo...


Goodnight Mommy (2015) Play Streaming

This is deft and daring storytelling that will grip anyone who's willing to be a little uncomfortable - make that a lot uncomfortable - and who's willing to follow it into some dark and twisted territory.. A hefty part of the suspense stems from the fact no one seems to be behaving rationally: not mommy, not the kids.. Here is a horror film that features very little screaming, except from the theater audience.. Goodnight Mommy plays on the nerves with expert cruelty-so much so, actually, that by...


The Bourne Supremacy (2004) Download Movie

It's fun while it lasts, though it feels less like a completed movie than a demonstration of director William Eubank's spooky ability to shift gears and string genres together.. For a while, a little while, it seems like it just might be interesting.. An entertaining, well-constructed spy story (though not as satisfying as the first film -- perhaps because it's not as simple).. The movie skillfully delivers a series of fights, stalkings, plottings and chases, punctuated by a little brooding.. Th...


Into the Blue (2005) Watch Full Movie

With Unbreakable , Mr. Shyamalan establishes himself as a distinctive auteur with a very personal style.. Alas, there is no treasure, buried or otherwise, but only fool's gold in the silly script.. Where Gosling goes wrong is in the priggish bombast. Instead of Refn and Lynch's self-contained worlds, he attempts Serious Commentary about the American Dream. But the actor shows no understanding of how poverty works.. Samuel L. Jackson plays a comic-book-art collector named Elijah, as in the prophe...


Looper (2012) Play Movie

The reasoning behind all this may not reward prolonged inspection, but Johnson is smart enough to press onward with his plot, leaving us with neither the time nor the desire to linger over the logic .... The dialogue is as clever as the conceit.. Self-awareness doesn't save the film from fizzling.. That first hour cooks. And the second hour brings Emily Blunt into the story, which is a fine thing for any second half to offer.. Lesson learned: time travel is difficult, but making it work on scree...


War of the Worlds (2005) Download Movie

Its exploitation of tragic iconography -- just to amp up the screams, tug some tears and sell a few more million movie tickets -- should be deplored.. Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds is huge and scary, moving and funny-another capper to a career that seems like an unending succession of captivations.. H.G. Wells wouldn't recognize his 1898 alien-invasion novel, The War of the Worlds, in Steven Spielberg's updated film version. But Wells could probably relate to the ensuing fear and panic.. ...


I Am Number Four (2011) Play Movie

The Counselor is the cumbersome end product of a high-minded writer trying to slum and a slick director aiming for cosmic depth.. The door is left wide open for a sequel, but it's hard to imagine there'll be much call for it.. Novelists don't always make good screenwriters-this is the first film for which McCarthy has written the screenplay himself-and The Counselor's nihilism soon becomes tedious.. I Am Number Four's CGI sequences are murky and dark, its performances negligible, its script genu...


The Phantom of the Opera (2004) Watch Streaming

Argentina's nominee for the foreign-film Oscar is a farce about revenge that is feral, ferocious and gut-bustingly funny. You'll laugh till it hurts.. It was the '80s. You really had to be there. Preferably with low expectations.. Where's Homeland Security when you need it?. My own reaction to the current version fashioned by Mr. Schumacher is one of pure stupefaction.. In between its shocker start and equally startling windup, this Argentine anthology offers up a scabrous, often unsettlingly fu...


Blood Diamond (2006) Full Streaming

Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for sure.. [Director Zwick] is craftsman enough that the pace never slackens, the chase scenes thrill, and the battle scenes sicken. And if it makes viewers think twice about buying their sweethearts that hard-won hunk of ice for Christmas, so much the better.. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. The film conceals as much as it...


Smokin' Aces (2007) Play Streaming

I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. Anyone with a brain bigger than those of the Tremors will have figured out the big U...


Insurgent (2015) Play Movie

A more effective, adult-friendly film than its predecessor.. This movie is an epic action movie that I believe in a few years from now shall be more appreciated than it is today !!. Insurgent has more action than last year's debut film, which was modestly titled just Divergent. Action is what you want in a picture such as this, especially when you don't really have a lot on your mind.. I really like this movie. thank you. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing w...


London Road (2015) Watch Streaming

Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for sure.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writi...


The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006) Online Streaming

OK, they squeezed one more lap out of this franchise. It's been a fun ride, but it's time to shut things down. If you get my drift.. Look out for a star cameo -- it's the only surprise you'll get from this heap.. Best viewed as an energetic cartoon, an unintentionally amusing, head-shaking guilty pleasure that will divert those not in the mood for anything more profound than gleaming metal and preening women.. This is an exceptionally stupid and irresponsible movie on some levels. But it does sc...


Solace (2015) Play Movie

This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. The best movie I...


Southpaw (2015) Full Movie Streaming

The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all give convincing performances.. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing...


Everest (2015) Full Movie Streaming

Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in every acting of the players as real and natural.. Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all give convincing performances.. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have be...


The A-Team (2010) Download Full

A thoroughly unnecessary but nonetheless satisfying adaptation of the cheeseball 1980s TV series.. No onea(TM)s coming to a big-screen version of the lunkheaded TV show expecting The Hurt Locker. But would it have killed the editors to let a single shot breathe for more than two seconds?. It couldn't have been easy making a movie with less plot, character development and dramatic credibility than an episode of a campy '80s TV series.. It's trash so compacted it glows.. Had the action sequences b...


Captive (2015) Watch Streaming

This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. I really like this movie. thank you. The best movie I...


Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015) Download Movie

Five movies in, Cruise has perfected the M:I formula -- a simple spy story, passable character comedy, and extremely long, impressively sustained action sequences.. This is comfort-food cinema. Gorge on the endless buffet.. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. You can discuss the incongruities on the drive home; while the movie's playing, you're having too much fun getting manhandled by experts.. The action bonanza gets a little lost in its own spycraft, but...