Mission: Impossible II (2000) Play Streaming

A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convi...


Escape Plan (2013) Full Movie Streaming

While it's fun to remember '80s popcorn-movie thrills, fully recapturing those thrills might be impossible.. Try not to think too hard about it, and Escape Plan is stupid, stupid fun.. A mildly amusing, if ultimately pointless prison-break thriller from Mikael Hafstrom.. Mercifully free of tongue-in-cheek meta-humor, "Escape Plan" is a likably lunkheaded meat-and-potatoes brawler that never pretends to be more sophisticated than it is .... "Escape Plan" doesn't aim high, but it delivers, providi...


It Follows (2014) Watch Streaming

It's about many things, but dread infuses them all. You won't be grossed out. You'll be creeped out. And that's a lot more satisfying.. Most of it evokes the attacks on lust that flourished in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho and The Birds and that were rampant in the high school nightmare movies of the 1970s and 1980s.. From the opening moments, the one thing clear about It Follows is that it will not follow in everyone else's footsteps.. An assured piece of filmmaking that works as both a horror movi...


The Da Vinci Code (2006) Watch Streaming

The Catholic Church has nothing to fear from this film. It is not just tripe. It is self-evident, spirit-lowering tripe that could not conceivably cause a single member of the flock to turn aside from the faith.. It has a more absorbing story and intriguing sensibility than Iron Man 3 or Man of Steel, and even when its action falters, this film is more original and exotic.. The film is a misconceived misfire, over-solemn for its first two acts and overstuffed with BLAM! POW! TEDIUM! at the clima...


Trash (2014) Download Full

Forget about three years at Rada - these boys are the real deal.. Cavils melt before the 1,000-watt charms of Tevis, Luis and Weinstein, all non-pros whose joy before the camera, and in each others' company, transcends the more standard elements in the material.. I suspect the movie's sound designers deserve some kind of an award: thanks to them, the damage one can inflict with small appliances and a giant grudge is all too clear.. Boy, words can not express how much I just loathe and detest thi...


Contagion (2011) Online Streaming

The cast members seem to be having a high old time, and with sharper dialogue, an even higher time might have been had by all.. Contagion could have been a blood-curdling scream; instead it comes off as Soderbergh's star-powered science project.. The film resembles its viral subject a little too closely: an intricate, formidable mechanism with no evident purpose.. Despite the fact that the film loses its razor sharp pacing and muddles its storyline, the movie still features plenty of big explosi...


The Book of Eli (2010) Play Streaming

What strength and intensity the movie musters begins and ends with Washington.. For those of us in the reading and writing business-for anyone, really, who loves the written word-the movie has a powerful resonance. It reminds us that literacy can't be taken for granted.. The Hughes Brothers may want us to think they're giving us a few deep, quasi-spiritual ideas, but what they're really serving up is earnestly shallow, machete-and-bow-and-arrow entertainment.. Poetic psalms uttered amid stylized...