The Expendables (2010) Full Streaming

The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. The rest of the mayhem is simply ultraviolent, nonstop, and numbing. Better jokes might have helped.. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for s...


Memento (2000) Play Movie

Umberto Eco wrote, "Two cliches make us laugh but a hundred cliches move us, because we sense dimly that the cliches are talking among themselves, celebrating a reunion." Shutter Island is that reunion, and that shrine.. There's grade A work from all concerned, especially Pearce, but in the end this is Nolan's film. And he delivers, with a vengeance.. The strength of the film, like the book, is that it never allows the viewer to feel comfortable with what he is watching.. This is among Scorsese'...


Gone Girl (2014) Full Streaming

One of the most entertainingly ludicrous movies of the year.. Flynn's great accomplishment, in her book and here, is an unstinting dedication to plot mechanics that jar our balance.. Gillian Flynn's twist-laden mystery novel gets a somber, respectful screen treatment from David Fincher, which has the unfortunate effect of diminishing the book's diabolical fun and heightening its dull misanthropy.. This is a nutty film, and for the most part I mean that in a good way.. "Knock Knock" ends on a not...


Bridge of Spies (2015) Watch Streaming

Hanks has never seemed more like a modern Jimmy Stewart, drink in hand, just looking to get home to his bed, as the script leans into its cavalcade of slightly bizarre negotiations with Eastern European goons.. You'd think a movie about transplanting human consciousness would be smarter than this.. An absorbing true-life espionage tale very smoothly handled by old pros who know what they're doing.. In essence, everything good in "Self/less" was derived from "Seconds," and everything bad the writ...


Training Day (2001) Download Movie

The film tells the story from Webb's point of view without exonerating him. In fact, we never learn enough about just what was and wasn't true, or how far Webb stretched the truth.. Washington plays Alonzo like a con man with a one-two punch ... It's tour-de-force acting.. If the screenplay to "Kill the Messenger" were a news story, any capable copydesk would have kicked it back to the reporter-not for a shortage of facts, but a lack of dramatic soul.. On a purely visceral level, Training Day is...


Aftershock (2012) Online Streaming

This Dimension pickup is a hectic, sometimes hilarious guilty pleasure that should delight genre geeks.. Cross "The Hangover" with the Apocalypse and that'll give you some idea of the level of debauched mayhem that makes "Aftershock" such a shameless and titillating exercise in horror.. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ...


Non-Stop (2014) Play Streaming

Wingard does pull off a few stylish setpieces: He is clearly talented. But the movie, which was shot two years ago and has been kicking around the film festival circuit since then, feels dated and trite.. Non-Stop plays like what might happen if Michael Bay directed a screenplay developed for Alfred Hitchcock.. Injecting the home-invasion thriller with fresh DNA, Adam Wingard's "You're Next" strays just enough from formula to tweak our jaded appetites.. "Non-Stop" spends so much time trying to o...