Point Break (2015) Full Movie Streaming

Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in every acting of the players as real and natural.. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behol...


Trick 'r Treat (2007) Play Movie

The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. I really like this movie. thank you. The best movie I've ever seen. amazing in every acting of the players as real and natural.. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. I recommend this movie to...


Lone Survivor (2013) Online Streaming

We might look through the movie toward appreciating what the actual men went through, but that alone can't turn "Lone Survivor" into a satisfying movie experience.. Berg gives us a movingly bullet-chipped plaque of a drama that's good as far as it goes. But it doesn't go far enough anymore.. Just as the plot threatens to run out of gas, Lin rescues the film with a spate of vastly ridiculous and therefore enjoyable set-pieces, most of which involve means of conveyance designed to make the cars lo...


The Avengers (2012) Full Movie Streaming

"Insurgent" opens new horizons of repetitiveness, dramatic shapelessness, self-seriousness and a generalized oppressiveness .... A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how ...


Lucy (2014) Full Movie Streaming

This goofily enjoyable but ultimately forgettable techno-thriller plays like a cross between Transcendence and La Femme Nikita with a bit of Hong Kong-style action and low-rent 2001-era Stanley Kubrick thrown in for good measure.. A dynamic melange of conflicting genres balanced on a high wire of pure irony.. Does it make sense? Not at all. Is it boring? Not that either.. I know we're supposed to think that Besson's daffy cinematic calisthenics are entertaining because at least they are not bori...


Turbo Kid (2015) Watch Full Movie

The whole thing looks like it cost its writer-directors, Francois Simard, Anouk Whissell and Yoann-Karl Whissell, oh, maybe $1.98.. With nods to Mad Max and a fun synth soundtrack, Turbo Kid packs plenty of retro affection and loopy fun, but its over-the-top violence gets tiresome; think Monty Python's Black Knight on endless repeat.. A pitch-perfect pastiche that never mocks its inspirations, the picture is silly fun to warm the hearts of aging fanboys and delight hipsters who weren't yet born ...


Guilty (2015) Watch Streaming

Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. I really like this movie. thank you. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WH...


Last Shift (2014) Watch Full Movie

Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the actors do great jobs at their roles from the villains to the side characters they all give convincing performances.. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. This movie is an epic action movie that I believe in a few years from now shall be mor...


The Expendables (2010) Full Streaming

The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. The rest of the mayhem is simply ultraviolent, nonstop, and numbing. Better jokes might have helped.. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for s...


Memento (2000) Play Movie

Umberto Eco wrote, "Two cliches make us laugh but a hundred cliches move us, because we sense dimly that the cliches are talking among themselves, celebrating a reunion." Shutter Island is that reunion, and that shrine.. There's grade A work from all concerned, especially Pearce, but in the end this is Nolan's film. And he delivers, with a vengeance.. The strength of the film, like the book, is that it never allows the viewer to feel comfortable with what he is watching.. This is among Scorsese'...


Gone Girl (2014) Full Streaming

One of the most entertainingly ludicrous movies of the year.. Flynn's great accomplishment, in her book and here, is an unstinting dedication to plot mechanics that jar our balance.. Gillian Flynn's twist-laden mystery novel gets a somber, respectful screen treatment from David Fincher, which has the unfortunate effect of diminishing the book's diabolical fun and heightening its dull misanthropy.. This is a nutty film, and for the most part I mean that in a good way.. "Knock Knock" ends on a not...


Bridge of Spies (2015) Watch Streaming

Hanks has never seemed more like a modern Jimmy Stewart, drink in hand, just looking to get home to his bed, as the script leans into its cavalcade of slightly bizarre negotiations with Eastern European goons.. You'd think a movie about transplanting human consciousness would be smarter than this.. An absorbing true-life espionage tale very smoothly handled by old pros who know what they're doing.. In essence, everything good in "Self/less" was derived from "Seconds," and everything bad the writ...


Training Day (2001) Download Movie

The film tells the story from Webb's point of view without exonerating him. In fact, we never learn enough about just what was and wasn't true, or how far Webb stretched the truth.. Washington plays Alonzo like a con man with a one-two punch ... It's tour-de-force acting.. If the screenplay to "Kill the Messenger" were a news story, any capable copydesk would have kicked it back to the reporter-not for a shortage of facts, but a lack of dramatic soul.. On a purely visceral level, Training Day is...


Aftershock (2012) Online Streaming

This Dimension pickup is a hectic, sometimes hilarious guilty pleasure that should delight genre geeks.. Cross "The Hangover" with the Apocalypse and that'll give you some idea of the level of debauched mayhem that makes "Aftershock" such a shameless and titillating exercise in horror.. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ...


Non-Stop (2014) Play Streaming

Wingard does pull off a few stylish setpieces: He is clearly talented. But the movie, which was shot two years ago and has been kicking around the film festival circuit since then, feels dated and trite.. Non-Stop plays like what might happen if Michael Bay directed a screenplay developed for Alfred Hitchcock.. Injecting the home-invasion thriller with fresh DNA, Adam Wingard's "You're Next" strays just enough from formula to tweak our jaded appetites.. "Non-Stop" spends so much time trying to o...


Insomnia (2002) Download Full

You see Robin Williams and psycho killer, and you think, hmmmmm. You see the movie and you think, zzzzzzzzz.. The Hollywood version (which is half an hour longer) transports the action to Alaska, and works up a respectable level of bleary-eyed paranoia.. As Pacino endures day after day without a wink of sleep, Insomnia skillfully turns the screws, delving further into his troubled mind as it's haunted by past and present sins, as well as deceptive visions that seem to bleed out of his conscience...


Child 44 (2015) Play Streaming

Taut, well-made and entirely dubious.. Thanks to a feeble script, bland direction and - God, why? - those impenetrable accents, no one emerges from this fiasco with much dignity.. In terms of pure popcorn escapism, No Escape delivers from the get-go, cutting to the chase without belabouring the character details.. Just say nyet.. It's as tedious as a bottomless bowl of borscht.. Strict plausibility isn't necessary in these movies, but you can't just throw it out the window, and "No Escape" shows...


Gangster Squad (2013) Play Movie

"Gangster Squad" talks tough and hits hard, but it is a victim of its own brute force.. Director Ruben Fleischer and screenwriter Will Beall can't decide whether to make a spoof or a serious drama, so they wrongheadedly attempt both.. Sitting through the last reel (spoiler alert!) is significantly less charming than listening to a four-year-old with a taste for exaggeration recount his Halloween trip to the Haunted House.. Like most genre manipulations, the film feels one step removed from inspi...


The Last House on the Left (2009) Play Movie

The action scenes are particularly gripping.. Sure, the movie is predictable (a convenient storm causes power outages and therefore the dark house is creepily candlelit and who knows who's lurking behind the door), but it keeps its audience on edge.. A shockingly mundane disappointment taken on its own and a deeply misguided refraction of the original.. I suspect the movie's sound designers deserve some kind of an award: thanks to them, the damage one can inflict with small appliances and a gian...


The Village (2004) Download Movie

There is no doubt that Shyamalan is a gifted director who knows how to push audience buttons, but heavy-handed horror shows like this one make the man behind the camera seems less an artist than a huckster.. Shyamalan's most mature and least showy film to date.. Did you think a second G.I. Joe movie was a good idea?. It's tedious instead of provocative and so unconvincing as to be preposterous.. High on foreboding atmospherics and low on goosebumps.. A lumbering beast, bogged down by too many ch...


The Lives of Others (2006) Full Movie Streaming

. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. Morally complex, beautifully shaded and filled with fascinating characters, this debut film from director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck brings us into a world that severely tests moral fiber.. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away fro...


Zodiac (2007) Play Streaming

Any honest neurotic could probably tell you: the emotional payoff of an obsession is not attaining some longed-for goal -- it's the obsession itself, which fulfills certain needs.. Abel is a man with ideals in a world that has no use for them: If he's going to succeed, he's going to have to use his wits instead of bullets.. Without a persuasive ending, Zodiac is an exercise in frustration.. Oscar Isaac has been extremely good in previous roles, but he is an utter revelation as Abel, the quiet po...


The Beach (2000) Watch Full Movie

A narrative that tries to juggle thriller elements, tons of pop culture imagery, and way too much philosophical baggage.. The Beach wears its self-importance on its sleeve, but never truly earns it.. All the beauty in the world can't camouflage the movie's gorgeous emptiness.. . Its narrative waters become rather muddy in the late going, and its currents finally don't run very deep.. Structured for an audience more familiar with MTV's Road Rules than with Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.. The ...


Good Kill (2015) Full Streaming

The bold, confrontational tone commands one's attention, and the cast -- which also includes Bruce Greenwood and Zoe Kravitz -- is superb.. It's a movie that hits every one of its ideological targets, but still winds up missing the mark.. What Niccol is really interested in ... is what this kind of warfare does to the men and women pushing the buttons and adding up the numbers.. Directed and co-written by Danny Boyle in a style that travels from ecstatic to nerve-wracking and back, this is a fil...


Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013) Download Full

A mess from start to finish -- though, judging by the ending, this story won't be over any time soon -- Insidious: Chapter 2 is the kind of lazy, halfhearted product that gives scary movies a bad name.. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. The problem is, Wan is reaching into the same old grab bag of shock scares, creaky-door sound effects, and ominous baby monitor voices he used in the far better original Insidious.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing...


Idiocracy (2006) Watch Full Movie

Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen...


127 Hours (2010) Watch Streaming

Boyle is such a gifted filmmaker that, in his hands, 127 Hours is genuinely -- and unsentimentally -- inspirational.. Boyle's style is never less than energizing, as it manages to keep this incredibly cramped space interesting.. Aside from an exhilarating opening and a gruesome climax, the movie isn't all that rich emotionally; all the visual razzle-dazzle winds up serving a pat lesson about people needing other people.. Shiver-making moments aside, in a important way 127 Hours suffers from the ...


Limitless (2011) Full Movie Streaming

It's scatty and fast paced, and director Neil Burger employs some Gaspar Noe-style, bad-trip CG effects to heighten the mood.. An energetic, enjoyably preposterous compound - it's a paranoid thriller blended with pseudo-neuro-science fiction and catalyzed by a jolting dose of satire - directed by Neil Burger.. Limitless is limited, but intriguing nonetheless.. "Limitless" is a heck of a ride. On the way to its unpredictable (if less than wholly satisfying) conclusion, it is entertaining, a littl...


Chronicle (2012) Online Streaming

As a surprise entry in the mid-winter movie doldrums, "Chronicle" is a modest charmer.. "Chronicle" is an energetic hodgepodge that tweaks familiar conventions just enough to seem fresh. Forget the X-Men - these are iHeroes.. Chronicle puts a fresh, invigorating spin on the superhero origin story, a tale Hollywood spins again and again (and again).. Once again, the conceit collapses along with the movie, and all that's left is third-act mayhem.. Without the found-footage distraction, Chronicle i...


Apocalypto (2006) Download Full

Pleasantly dumb fun if you watch it with the right mind-set.. The Expendables 2 is corny, barbaric and sometimes visually murky. But humor and self-deprecating macho charm make this male pattern badness crowd-pleasing fun.. Apocalypto demonstrates two things: that Mel Gibson is a hell of a filmmaker and that his imaginative world borders on the Neanderthal.. The movie is excellent crap, fine junk, an exercise in campy movie nostalgia, and a demonstration of American supremacy in the field of nut...


High Rise (2015) Watch Full Movie

Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. I really like this movie. thank you. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. I recommen...


The Expendables 2 (2012) Full Streaming

I wanted to like this movie. Really. But this sequel doesn't wear down your resistance; it just wears you out.. The movie is excellent crap, fine junk, an exercise in campy movie nostalgia, and a demonstration of American supremacy in the field of nutty cosmetic enhancements for aging movie stars.. For better and worse, this ultra-violent follow-up gives the audience what it wants in full force.. What gives "Expendables 2" its charm is the film's unabashed nostalgia for the genre's best B-movie ...


Mystic River (2003) Online Streaming

Allen and Albert Hughes have created a plausible post-apocalyptic world.. Solid, rarely showy performances, meticulously recreated detective work and moments of pure unadulterated grief accent this whodunit, a movie that will have those who haven't read the book fooled for much of its length.. It is in many ways Eastwood's tightest movie for some time, and certainly his darkest since Unforgiven; indeed, the ending offers as corrosive an assessment of the limits of American justice as anything in...


Secret in Their Eyes (2015) Watch Streaming

Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. The film conceals as much as it reveals, and its beauty is that it pretends to do nothing else. It embraces a mystery and protects it, and it’s thrilling to behold.. Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-wor...


12 Rounds 3: Lockdown (2015) Download Movie

Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for sure.. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action n...


The Prestige (2006) Download Full

The Prestige is wonderfully engrossing, darkly mysterious and entertaining from start to finish.. This is a well-meaning film with a good idea that unfortunately stumbles on its way to its less-than-satisfying end.. Even at his shakiest, Mr. Blomkamp holds your attention with stories about characters banding together to emerge from a hell not of their own making, a liberation journey that just isn't the same old, same old when a director was born in South Africa.. Low on meaning, but full of hig...


The Voices (2015) Play Movie

The actors are uniformly handsome and mostly serviceable, though the same can't be said about the filmmaking or the writing.. Rapace's haunting, enigmatic Lisbeth is the element that leaves you eager for the next two installments. She's fantastic, and so is the movie.. It's the rare 2 1/2 -hour film that doesn't make you look at your watch once. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is such a film.. The violence in this movie is so intense and upsetting and... I don't think actually serves the purpose...


Fast & Furious 6 (2013) Full Streaming

As manifestoes go, this one's a beauty: draped like a funeral, smart as a whip and full of black-hearted romantic monologues and dramatically slit necks.. Exists purely to showcase how idiotically over-the-top action sequences can become when annoyances like gravity are tossed to the side.. By the movie's midpoint, the Wachowski brothers' screenplay has gotten so bogged down in back story that it takes 40 minutes for director James McTiegue to get back to the explosions that his 16-year-old targ...


The Captive (2014) Play Streaming

Becomes baroque and ludicrous as the Hitchcockian scenario loses its psychological bearings in a web of trashy plot twists and self-conscious jumps in time.. I left the screening having almost fainted from sugar shock.. A shockingly mundane disappointment taken on its own and a deeply misguided refraction of the original.. The structural gamesmanship is just a smokescreen, a way to obfuscate the pulp nature of what is, ultimately, little more than a glorified, low-aiming potboiler.. Do not go to...


Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011) Download Full

The chemistry between Watson and Holmes is spotty, and their banter grows tedious.. Something of an overlong, overblown, disorganized mess, despite being slightly better than its predecessor.. It's complete trash and makes a mockery of Holmes's vaunted deductive reasoning.. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows doesn't rip enough yarn.. In an act of criminal negligence, Ritchie has wasted Robert Downey Jr. in a sequel that eliminates smarts in favor of relentless headbanging.. Downey may think this...


Hitman: Agent 47 (2015) Online Streaming

About as violent and soulless as its title suggests.. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. Agent 47 doesn't feel like a c...


Black Swan (2010) Download Full

Being different isn't the same thing as being good.. For all its ham-fistedness, it captures something about the tyranny of the ballet world and, by extension, the neurotic imprisonment of female body image.. The film picks at our deepest anxieties -- injury, disfigurement, loss of a coveted job, loss of identity, loss of sanity. In most fright films, danger lurks in the shadows. Here it's grinning from a mirror.. There's a delirium that runs through Black Swan, a sense of stress and anguish and...


The Hurt Locker (2008) Full Streaming

For better and worse, this ultra-violent follow-up gives the audience what it wants in full force.. Chuck Norris is also in this movie, although you should know that he gets roughly five minutes of screen time, half of those devoted to his telling of a Chuck Norris joke.. Screenwriter Mark Boal and director Kathryn Bigelow have made a unique film about war.. Like every war before it, the U.S. invasion of Iraq has generated its share of movies. But The Hurt Locker is the first of them that can pr...


Taken (2008) Online Streaming

Works as a straight-up detective story, and the acting is often breathtaking.. For those of us in the reading and writing business-for anyone, really, who loves the written word-the movie has a powerful resonance. It reminds us that literacy can't be taken for granted.. [Director] Morel keeps Taken moving swiftly. It's never dragged down by excess feelings; instead, it's powered by the potency of the right ones.. Contains so many layers that you'll want to see it more than once. It's one for the...


The Boy Next Door (2015) Download Movie

What was the thinking behind all this?. Ben Affleck's follow-up to his gritty directorial debut, Gone Baby Gone, proves the actor/director/co-writer is here, baby, here to stay.. Ben Affleck works both sides of the camera to impressive effect in The Town, a dramatic thriller that fulfills its considerable ambitions.. This isn't a very demanding role for Lopez, but she still fails to carry it off. In fact, nothing about this film is convincing. It all feels notably artificial.. A deliberately old...


Poltergeist (2015) Full Streaming

The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no m...


You're Next (2011) Watch Streaming

This uninhibited slasher movie has sick-joke humor and variety -- it's more of a hack, chop, slice, dice and puree film.. A smart, feral flick with a wicked sense of humor.. The film begins as an utterly routine horror flick with all the usual musty tricks, but that's just rope-a-dope. The expectation of stupidity makes the cleverness to follow stand out.. Satisfies the expectations of Midnight Madness gore hounds - and then it happily goes about exceeding those expectations.. "You're Next" draw...


Amnesiac (2015) Download Movie

A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. I really like this movie. thank you. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. Every minute of this action packed movie is amazing. This is the single best movie I have ever seen. All of the ac...


Ask Me Anything (2014) Online Streaming

Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for sure.. The excellent performances by the cast are also what raise this movie well above your ordinary action movie.. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to ev...


The November Man (2014) Full Movie Streaming

Brosnan ... slips back into his intel identity with seeming effortlessness. The watchfulness, the calm, the jujitsu moves, the walking-through-rooms-with-the gun-held-straight-out-in-front-of-you stuff.. As far as escapist fluff laced with totally unnecessary real-world horror goes, The November Man isn't wretched.. [An] engaging, fast-paced and ultimately ludicrous combo of espionage and mayhem .... If it doesn't transcend its genre origins, I suspect it's because it doesn't want to.. The Novem...


Black Sea (2014) Watch Streaming

"Black Sea" is a good movie; Law turns in a great performance, and one walks away feeling that the characters and the scenery here are all convincing.. Too often, moviegoers must choose between character-driven drama and edge-of-your-seat action. "Black Sea" has both, with a gripping performance by Jude Law as their nexus.. Walking out of the theater, you might well get the bends.. Horns juggles a lot of balls, and admirably keeps them in the air for longer than you might expect. But it doesn't ...


Spooks: The Greater Good (2015) Full Movie Streaming

A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the screen for hours. Really GREAT movie!!. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movi...


The Machinist (2004) Play Movie

It's an overly calculated, schematic graph of a script that eliminates the things we go to the movies to experience: interesting characters, a story we can relate to, an emotional release.. A moody psychological thriller with a stunning performance by Christian Bale at its core.. The thing we most dread is that this existential mystery will have an unsatisfying resolution, and in this case, our worst fears are realized.. A stunt that didn't merit Bale's startling, and dangerous, transformation.....


The Messenger (2015) Download Full

Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. I really like this movie. thank you. This movie is an epic action movie that I believe in a few years from now shall be more appreciated than it is today !!. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as well as directing, but without the talent to deliver it all, it finds itself lacking. Great!!. This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. The excellen...


Furious 7 (2015) Download Full

"Furious 7" could have come across as ghoulish, but it's not until the very end that we're reminded of Walker's fate, and the filmmakers handle it with taste and respect.. It's all dumb, but it's wonderfully, comfortably dumb in just the right way.. It's all entertaining enough, I suppose. But there's a twisted coldness under the action that's anxiously concealed by the characters' refrains of the importance of "family" and sticking together and other ostensibly nice stuff.. Every minute of this...


Fast Five (2011) Watch Streaming

Tedious and unsatisfying.. Embarrassingly fun, the sort of speedy, senseless, violence-crammed action flick that virtually defines the summer season, with superheroes who aren't gods or crusaders in tights but guys in T-shirts and jeans who can drive cars really fast.. Bold and beautiful in its hard-charging simplicity.. [Johnson's] skin looks as though it's been slathered in butter; his enjoyment is infectious and keeps the movie speeding along.. The series takes the curious, surprising and rat...


The Mist (2007) Full Streaming

This is the single best movie I have ever seen.Thanks for your movie info.. Awesome as director this is the first time that they have been together again Since training day powerful movie go see it!!!. Thrilling, important, and invigoratingly bleak, Children of Men is one of the very best movies to come out in 2006.. A superior sci-fi thriller and the best doomsday drama since 28 Days Later.. Thank you for giving information about the film. this a good movie to be watched for sure.. Cuaron fulfi...