Traffic (2000) Watch Full Movie

The movie's scope is breathtaking, delivering the most expansive portrait of the illegal narcotics trade ever put on film.. Director Steven Soderbergh is riding one of the hottest streaks in the movie world.. It leaves one feeling restless and dissatisfied.. The promise of Sex, Lies, and Videotape has been fulfilled.. Traffic sometimes has the impact of a tense war film or a grittily modernist, post- Godfather crime epic such as Heat or Goodfellas.. A complicated movie about the war on terror wi...


Red Dawn (2012) Watch Streaming

A movie in search of its moment.. Was anybody out there clamoring for a remake of "Red Dawn"? Show of hands? Anybody?. Scenes are rather murkily shot and characters are like cardboard cutouts.. Red Dawn without the jingoism is like a pie without the filling-it collapses into splintered mush.. Despite the more realistic battle scenes, nothing in it feels more fateful than a football game.. John Milius's 1984 cult classic about American teens battling a Soviet invasion has been reinvented as a Tea...


The Gambler (2014) Full Movie Streaming

Director Louis Leterrier has the energy but not the visual grace to match the elegant malefactions of his characters.. The more you see of the movie and the more elaborate the tricks get, the less you are inclined to believe that humans rather than machines are in charge of the illusions.. This certainly is one driven narrative. Wahlberg reportedly lost 60 lbs. for the role, and his gaunt look makes Jim seem all the more haunted as he repeatedly throws away vast sums on games of chance.. Pierce ...


The Cabin in the Woods (2012) Download Movie

The climactic one-two punch of special-effects chaos and meta-movie chin stroking should have the fanboys trembling with delight.. For all of its many intellectual pleasures, and smart commentary, Cabin in the Woods is a visceral roller coaster of a movie at heart. And like the best thrill rides, when it's over, you just want to get back on and go again.. If you like nutty energy, wacky ideas, crisp dialogue and scary, bloody, gory, grotesque and twisted movies - man, are you going to have a bla...


Sherlock Holmes (2009) Watch Full Movie

What was the thinking behind all this?. Playing literature's greatest detective as a sort of self-loathing action hero, Downey has an absolute blast. And thanks to his performance in Sherlock Holmes, so do we.. At times, Ritchie and company try so hard to make sure this isn't your father's Sherlock Holmes that it comes across as, well, cartoonish.. The Town is an exciting and extremely well acted film.. As a director, Affleck now has two home runs in two at-bats. This is one of the best movies o...


Hannibal (2001) Full Movie Streaming

Silly though handsomely staged.. Unsatisfying.. Bears many of the wounds of the book's confusion.. The weight-watchers script sensibly dispenses with several characters to serve a brew that's enjoyably spicy but low on substance.. Isn't in the same class as the original, but as sequels go, it's no Porky's 2, either.. Meandering, emotionally empty and thoroughly unsavory, it's not so much shocking as shockingly bad.. Simply a fat slab of sadism.. Of the three films made from Thomas Harris' novels...


Before I Go to Sleep (2014) Play Movie

It isn't Hitchcock, but it will do.. Kutcher scores laughs, both intentional and otherwise, and only seems at home in those Dude, Where's My Car? moments. And dude brings everybody else down with him.. A dopey script personified by Kutcher's dopey, immutable hair style morphs Rashomon into Dude, Where's My Karma?. . . If the story is a smidge predictable, at least the movie is pleasingly old-fashioned and grown-up, with a '90s paranoid-thriller vibe.. A grim and gruesome sci-fi thriller that lab...


The Secret in Their Eyes (2009) Play Movie

Engages with style, suspense, and seriousness of intent. Criminal intent and otherwise.. In compelling terms, it puts bitter economic, social and racial truth before our eyes. Continue to blink or see. Your choice.. Perhaps Scott's ever-restless shooting style doesn't quite differentiate between the peaks and troughs of the narrative, yet it's still an engrossing account of the intersection between process and ethics.. . A complicated movie about the war on terror with two terrific performances ...


Dark Places (2015) Download Full

Dark Places just becomes an overstuffed, low-simmer potboiler with too many improbable detours and overly convenient twists.. The message of American Sniper? There really isn't one, apart from Eastwood's career-long fascination with taciturn men called upon to do a dirty but necessary job well.. "American Sniper," Eastwood's 37th film as a director, is his darkest, tightest and most morally ambiguous drama since he shot the western dead with "Unforgiven.". Dingy and dumb. Instead of a quickened ...


Slow West (2015) Watch Streaming

It's all of 84 minutes. But when it's done, you know you've seen something.. A refreshing summer movie.. Maclean has something worthwhile to say about the true brutality of the old West, especially as it relates to immigration, but he hasn't quite found a compelling context for those musings, and he sprays ideas like buckshot.. . John Maclean's impeccably crafted writing-directing debut at times has a distinctly Coen-esque flavor in its mix of sly intelligence, bleak humor and unsettling violenc...


Wild Tales (2014) Full Movie Streaming

Revenge may be a dish best served cold, but the dark comedy Wild Tales (Relatos salvajes) argues that payback is more satisfying when it's doled out in fiery, bloody and outrageous doses.. The half-dozen chapters vary in length and subject matter, but not in style or the efficiency of their message.. Szifron gives us a window onto other people's worst impulses rather than a mirror reflecting our own; the laughs come fast and full, and they come a little too easily.. Six unrelated tales examine h...


Sunshine (2007) Online Streaming

I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. A movie can have a superb story, amazing cinematography, and mesmerizing writing as ...


Wild Card (2015) Download Movie

A largely forgettable lark, notable more for its slight diversions from action-movie norms than anything else.. As usual, Statham gets a lot of mileage out of his droll, ever-present scowl, but as in "Heat," the movie's disparate narrative strands never really come together, and the climactic showdown feels pretty anticlimactic.. Should cash in on Statham's loyal fan base, but will be a letdown to anyone looking for a real thrill ride.. Sadly, "Wild Card" is no royal flush, no full house, no thr...


The Impossible (2012) Play Movie

Bayona uses pummeling subjective camera work and sound design to plunge viewers into the visceral terror of a universe gone mad.. In the hundred-year history of cinema, few thrillers have been as emotionally compelling as "The Impossible.". An intense and compelling family melodrama from Spanish director Juan Antonio Bayona that sets a new standard for disaster cinema.. Perhaps Jaws and Open Water are the only other movie experiences that might engender more fear of the sea.. While it may have b...


Captain Phillips (2013) Online Streaming

It's the work of Tom Hanks that makes this film unforgettable.. It's absurd, absolutely insane and a lot of fun.. Every now and then, a film comes along that both defies and compels description.. The backstory beats the hell out of the present-tense plot, a routine affair in which a well-meaning doofus working for the Man is infected with a virus, starts turning into an alien himself, and falls in with the oppressed creatures.. As an allegory of racial conflict and mass immigration, District 9 n...


The Fast and the Furious (2001) Full Movie Streaming

A gritty and gratifying cheap thrill, Rob Cohen's high-octane hot-car meller is a true rarity these days, a really good exploitationer, the sort of thing that would rule at drive-ins if they still existed.. These gear-heads may spout car-talk like know-it-alls, but they sound no less nerdy than trivia-obsessed Trekkers.. While few of the paper-thin characters register long enough to make much of an impression, Diesel carries the movie with his unsettling mix of Zen-like tranquillity and barely c...


Source Code (2011) Full Streaming

This is a film you want to see for the racing, and in that sense it doesn't disappoint.. What to say about a racing movie that's stuck in idle as drama? For starters, don't race to see it... there's nothing to distract you from a plot so tired there are tire tracks from other racing movies all over it.. You can see why the film stretches out to 130 minutes. It contains 45 minutes of setup, then a cross-country race before the climactic -- make that anticlimactic -- race.. Need For Speed fails sp...


Argo (2012) Online Streaming

It may not have a lot beyond its outrageous story, but the story is undeniably a doozy, and the movie is a blast.. The film is a whopper of a tale, one designed for Oscar nominations, Best Picture and Best Director among them.. Ben Affleck doesn't merely direct Argo, he directs the hell out of it, nailing the quickening pace, the wayward humor, the nerve-frying suspense. There's no doubt he's crafted one of the best movies of the year.. It's a well-told story that's timely, topical and thoroughl...


Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) Online Streaming

It relishes low-class ugliness.. Gillian Flynn's twist-laden mystery novel gets a somber, respectful screen treatment from David Fincher, which has the unfortunate effect of diminishing the book's diabolical fun and heightening its dull misanthropy.. As a piece of social satire, "Knock Knock" winds up being not just toothless but anticlimactic.. Gone Girl presents a deft mix of whodunit and who-you-gonna-believe?. If ever there was a semi-entertaining movie that sabotages itself with tastelessne...